heyyy welcome to hell and youre gonna die! youre dead! you're so dumb! so dumb! so stupid! your gonna die! so dumb! your dumb dumb dumb stupid! you're gonna die! so dumb! your stupid dumb dumb! you'll die! so dumb! dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb so stupid! so stupid! so stupid! you idiot! so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so stupid so dumb so dumb so stupid so stupid so stupid so dumb so stupid so stupid so dumb so so so so so so so so so so so so so so stupid so stupid so so stupid

my hands are numb

i hate too much sugar

*ate oops


what have you done recently that could get you in big trouble? would you be willing to tell me? cuz i wouldnt tell a soul.

bbbbrrrrt! car crash, brrrrrt! the tires screech to a halt and you get out and you see something that you killed in your car by running it over, now of course you never meant to do that right? but sometimes things just happen like that and i think intent is the curse at the end of the day, intent and reaction. you call the Them and tell Them how and what happened but theres no reply and youre just kind of left sitting there and the radio is playing that one song and the radio is playing it aggain and then the cars driving past you Dont even know what to say to you, you even call your mother to let her know what happened. But nothing happened. you were kind of just the observer.